hospital app

Unlocking better care with remote patient monitoring (RPM)

hospital app
Our AI-powered platform empowers health professionals to optimize time and to deliver exceptional care. A key feature is our Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) solutions, which capture real-world data (RWD) continuously, tracking disease progression and treatment effectiveness. It’s more than just monitoring—it’s about providing real-time insights that enable healthcare providers to act swiftly and effectively.
hospital app
Parkinson's Disease
Enhancing Parkinson's care with nighttime respiratory monitoring
Parkinson's disease is complex, with motor and non-motor symptoms ranging from sleep disorders to autonomic and cognitive dysfunctions, pain, and fatigue.

Our solution provides a weekly remote patient monitoring report powered by the platform, containing a comprehensive set of non-invasive remote health measures co-developed with experts to capture disease progression and treatment changes.

1. Connected medical device
2. platform
3. Weekly comprehensive report

Key health measures

Sleep fragmentation
Motion during sleep

See the effects of 
treatment changes

Trigger medical consultations early

Heart Failure
Improving the management of patient with heart failure
Heart failure is a high-mortality chronic disease that can swiftly deteriorate, leading to costly hospitalizations. Ongoing medical attention and self-care are crucial for early detection and prevention of worsening events.

Our remote patient monitoring solution tracks key health measures and provides continuous supportive care, making a significant difference in managing heart failure.

1. Connected medical device
2. platform
3. Weekly comprehensive report

Report health measures

Blood pressure

Create a positive routine
 of symptom monitoring
 and management

Stay in touch with clinicians for feedback and support

Supporting cancer patients with remote monitoring
Patients with cancer often feel isolated and overwhelmed while experiencing unpleasant symptoms from their disease and treatment-related toxicities.

Remote patient monitoring is widely recommended by clinical practice guidelines for its benefits, including improved symptom control, treatment adherence, quality of life, reduced hospitalizations, lower costs, and overall survival.

Our remote patient monitoring solution supports patients throughout their journey, from treatment to follow-up care.

1. ePROMs
2. platform
3. Weekly comprehensive report

Create a positive 
routine of symptom 
monitoring and 


Measure the effects 
of your interventions, even long after a treatment

Metabolic Disorders
Better manage metabolic disorders in real-time
Metabolic disorders can lead to significant health complications if not properly managed.

Our remote patient monitoring solution provides continuous tracking of key health metrics, offering early detection and personalized care to improve outcomes and enhance quality of life for patients.

1. Connected medical device or wearables
2. platform
3. Weekly comprehensive report

Real-time alert if health deterioration

Health metrics

Early detection of complications

Personalized care and support

Respiratory Conditions
Enhancing care for respiratory disease patients
Patients with respiratory diseases like COPD and asthma often miss early signs of exacerbations or delay reporting them. RPM allows clinicians to promptly intervene, lowering exacerbation rates and reducing hospitalizations. It tracks key health measures and provide live feedback and support.

1. Connected medical device or wearables
2. platform
3. Weekly comprehensive report

Report health measures automatically

Oxygen saturation
And lung function

Detect acute 
exacerbations before 
patients feel them

Effortlessly engage with 
patients remotely

Remote patient monitoring benefits

Comprehensive monitoring

RPM solution offers non-invasive remote health measurements to assess disease progression and treatments.

Real-time data

Stay connected with your medical team through our app and web portal. Access your health data and receive live support.

Connected medical devices

Easily integrate connected medical devices into your daily life for effective health monitoring.