
DOMOHEALTH ("DOMOHEALTH", "wir", "uns", "unser") legt Wert auf Ihre Privatsphäre und den Schutz Ihrer persönlichen Daten. Aus diesem Grund haben wir diese Datenschutzrichtlinie verfasst, um unsere Praktiken in Bezug auf die Identifizierung von Daten oder die Ermöglichung der direkten oder indirekten Identifizierung einer Person anhand eines oder mehrerer bestimmter Elemente (die "personenbezogenen Daten"), wie Informationen und Messungen, Sensordaten und aus Sensordaten extrahierte Informationen (zusammen die "Messungen"), zu erläutern. Persönliche Daten und Messungen werden entweder von DOMOHEALTH generiert oder gesammelt oder von Ihnen bei der Nutzung von DOMOHEALTH-Produkten (das "Produkt"), unserer Website care.domo-safety. com und allgemeiner, aller von DOMOHEALTH oder unter der Domain verwalteten Websites und URLs (die "Website") und ihrer Dienste (die "Website-Dienste") sowie unserer Software (die "Software", die "Computersoftware", die "mobile Software") angegeben. In diesem Text bezieht sich der Begriff "Dienste" auf die Website, die Website-Dienste, die Computer-Software und die mobile Software.

  1. Schutz personenbezogener Daten nach dem Gesetz

Die Erhebung und Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten bei der Nutzung der Dienste erfolgt im Einklang mit der Verordnung (EU) 2016/679 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 27. April 2016 zum Schutz natürlicher Personen bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten, zum freien Datenverkehr und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 95/46/EG (die "Allgemeine Datenschutzverordnung" oder GDPR). Sie haben das Recht, die Sie betreffenden Daten jederzeit einzusehen, zu ändern, zu berichtigen und zu löschen. Um von diesem Recht Gebrauch zu machen, brauchen Sie nur Ihre Anfrage per Post oder per E-Mail an den Hauptsitz von DOMOHEALTH zu senden:


EPFL Innovation Parc, Bât. D,

1015 Lausanne


  1. Gesammelte Informationen

Persönliche Daten, die Sie bei der Registrierung oder beim Zugriff auf die DOMOHEALTH-Dienste angeben:

Wir erfassen personenbezogene Daten, wenn Sie sich auf unserer Website oder in unserer mobilen Software registrieren und Ihr Konto erstellen. Zu diesen persönlichen Daten gehören die E-Mail-Adresse und das DOMOHEALTH-Passwort. Außer im Zusammenhang mit einer Bestellung zum Kauf eines Produkts auf unserer Website erfassen wir keine Informationen zu Ihrer Kreditkarte oder andere finanzielle Informationen. Wir erfassen auch Informationen, wenn Sie ein DOMOHEALTH-Produkt installieren, wie z. B. den Ort der Installation. Wir erheben persönliche Daten oder Maßnahmen, wenn Sie DOMOHEALTH-Produkte und -Dienste nutzen. Wir können personenbezogene Daten oder Maßnahmen auch durch automatisierte Mittel erfassen, die wir zur Überwachung oder zum Betrieb der Dienste einsetzen, wie z. B. Informationen über Ihr Produkt, seine Funktionen und Anwendungen, wie Sie es nutzen, Ihre Aktivitäten im Zusammenhang mit den Diensten, Ihre Aktivitäten in der Anwendung, Ihre IP-Adresse, Ihren Browser, Ihre eindeutigen Werbekennungen (d. h. "ad-ID" oder "IDFA") usw.

Unsere Dienste verfügen über optionale Funktionen, für die wir zusätzliche Informationen erfassen müssen, wenn Sie sie nutzen. Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, die für die Nutzung einer Funktion erforderlichen Informationen nicht bereitzustellen, können Sie diese Funktion nicht nutzen. Sie können zum Beispiel Ihren Standort nicht mit Ihren Kontakten teilen, wenn Sie uns nicht erlauben, Ihre Standortdaten auf Ihrem Gerät zu erfassen. Dabei handelt es sich um folgende Daten: Standort, Schritte und Kontaktzugang. Sie können die Berechtigungen in Ihrem Menü Einstellungen/Einstellungen auf Android- und iOS-Geräten verwalten.

Personenbezogene Daten, die Sie durch andere Nutzungen der Dienste zur Verfügung stellen: Wir erfassen personenbezogene Daten, wenn Sie auf die DOMOHEALTH-Dienste und/oder einen anderen Teil der Website zugreifen und Sie sich dafür entscheiden, personenbezogene Daten über die Website zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir erfassen beispielsweise personenbezogene Daten, wenn Sie eine Umfrage ausfüllen, sich für ein Werbe- oder Sonderangebot registrieren, uns eine E-Mail-Nachricht senden, an einem Forum oder einer Online-Community teilnehmen oder die Dienste anpassen.

Indem Sie uns freiwillig personenbezogene Daten zur Verfügung stellen, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir diese in Übereinstimmung mit den Bedingungen dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie verwenden. Wenn Sie uns über die Dienste personenbezogene Daten zur Verfügung stellen, erkennen Sie an und erklären sich damit einverstanden, dass diese personenbezogenen Daten von Ihrem Standort aus an die Büros und Server von DOMOHEALTH, seinen Partnern und autorisierten Dritten zu dem ausschließlichen Zweck übertragen werden können, sie für die in Artikel 4 beschriebenen Zwecke zu verwenden.

  1. Sonstige Informationen, Cookies

Wenn Sie über unsere Website auf die DOMOHEALTH-Dienste zugreifen, erhalten und speichern wir bestimmte nicht-personenbezogene Informationen. Diese Informationen, die automatisch mit verschiedenen Technologien gesammelt werden, identifizieren Sie nicht genau. Folglich werden diese Informationen nicht als personenbezogene Daten betrachtet. DOMOHEALTH kann die Informationen selbst speichern und/oder die Informationen können in einer Datenbank gespeichert werden, die von Tochtergesellschaften, Vertretern oder Dienstleistern von DOMOHEALTH gehalten und verwaltet wird. Unsere Website kann diese Informationen verwenden und mit anderen Informationen abgleichen, z. B. um die Gesamtzahl der Besucher, die auf unsere Website zugreifen, die Anzahl der Besucher, die sich jede Seite unserer Website ansehen, und den Domänennamen des Internetdienstanbieters eines jeden Besuchers zu erfassen. Es ist wichtig, darauf hinzuweisen, dass bei diesem Prozess keine persönlichen Informationen verfügbar sind oder verwendet werden. Beim Betrieb dieser Website können wir eine Technologie namens "Cookies" verwenden. Ein Cookie ist eine Information, die der Computer, der unsere Website hostet, Ihrem Browser zur Verfügung stellt, wenn Sie auf unsere Website zugreifen. Cookies helfen uns, zusätzliche Funktionen für die Website bereitzustellen und ihre Nutzung genauer zu analysieren. Zum Beispiel kann unsere Website ein Cookie in Ihrem Browser setzen, damit Sie auf die Website zugreifen können, ohne Ihr Passwort mehr als einmal während Ihres Besuchs auf unserer Website eingeben zu müssen. In einigen Fällen ist für die Verwendung bestimmter Arten von Cookies Ihre vorherige schriftliche Zustimmung erforderlich. In allen Fällen, in denen wir Cookies verwenden, sammeln wir persönliche Daten nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung. Bei den meisten Webbrowsern finden Sie in der Symbolleiste eine Schaltfläche "Hilfe". In diesem Abschnitt finden Sie weitere Informationen darüber, wie Sie Cookies deaktivieren können. Wir empfehlen Ihnen, die Cookies eingeschaltet zu lassen, da Sie dadurch bestimmte Funktionen der Website nutzen können.

  1. Verwendung Ihrer persönlichen Daten und anderer Informationen

In allen Fällen verwendet DOMOHEALTH personenbezogene Daten in Übereinstimmung mit dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie.

Wir verwenden Ihre personenbezogenen Daten und Maßnahmen nur für die unten aufgeführten Zwecke:

Leistung und Überwachung der Dienste: Wir verwenden Ihre persönlichen Daten, damit Sie auf die Dienste zugreifen können und damit wir die Nutzung unserer Dienste durch Sie sicherstellen und überwachen können. Im Rahmen der Dienste können wir Ihre persönlichen Daten verwenden, um Ihnen personalisierte Analysen und Ratschläge zukommen zu lassen. Wir geben Ihnen auch die Möglichkeit, Ihre persönlichen Daten oder andere Informationen auf unserer Website zu speichern, zu überprüfen und zu bearbeiten.

Umfragen, Wettbewerbe und andere Sonderangebote: Von Zeit zu Zeit bieten wir unseren Nutzern die Möglichkeit, an Umfragen, Wettbewerben und anderen Sonderangeboten teilzunehmen. Wenn Sie uns in Verbindung mit solchen Umfragen, Wettbewerben oder anderen Sonderangeboten persönliche Daten zur Verfügung stellen, werden diese persönlichen Daten nur für diese Zwecke verwendet.

Fragen und Anfragen: Wenn Sie sich per E-Mail oder auf anderem Wege an uns wenden, werden wir die von Ihnen bereitgestellten persönlichen Daten verwenden, um Ihnen zu antworten oder Ihr Anliegen zu lösen.

Kommunikation über Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Veranstaltungen: Wenn Sie sich bei den DOMOHEALTH-Diensten registrieren, um Informationen zu erhalten, erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass DOMOHEALTH Ihre persönlichen Daten von Zeit zu Zeit verwendet, um Sie in Zukunft zu kontaktieren und Sie über Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Veranstaltungen zu informieren, die für Sie von Interesse sein könnten. Diese Mitteilungen erfolgen mit der Möglichkeit, Ihre Teilnahme jederzeit auf Anfrage abzulehnen.

Forschung und Datenanalyse: Um die Bedürfnisse der Nutzer unserer Website und Dienste zu verstehen und zu erfüllen, führt DOMOHEALTH regelmäßig Untersuchungen über das Profil, die Interessen und das Verhalten der Nutzer sowie über die Messungen des Produkts durch. Diese Forschung basiert auf anonymisierten Daten, Metriken und anderen Informationen. Diese Untersuchungen können als Rohdaten oder in zusammengefasster Form gesammelt und analysiert werden, und DOMOHEALTH kann diese anonymisierten Daten an Werbetreibende, Forscher, Geschäftspartner, Veröffentlichungen oder andere Dritte weitergeben. Diese Daten können Sie nicht identifizieren und werden daher nicht als persönliche Daten betrachtet.

Verbesserung der Dienste: Wir können Ihre anonymisierten persönlichen Daten, anonymisierte aggregierte persönliche Daten oder andere anonymisierte Daten, die über die Dienste gesammelt wurden, verwenden, um den Inhalt und die Funktionalität der Dienste zu verbessern, um unsere Nutzer besser zu verstehen und um unsere Dienste zu verbessern.

Wir können Ihre Anwendungsnutzungsdaten, die mit Ihrer mobilen Kennung verknüpft sind, an Anbieter weitergeben (siehe Kapitel 13, Definition), die die Verordnung über personenbezogene Daten "GDPR" einhalten, um die Nutzung und Zuverlässigkeit unserer Produkte und Anwendungen zu verbessern.

Die Nutzung und Übertragung von Informationen, die DOMOHEALTH von Google APIs erhalten hat, an andere Anwendungen erfolgt in Übereinstimmung mit der Google API Services-Nutzerdatenrichtlinie, einschließlich der eingeschränkten Nutzungsbedingungen.

Wir können Ihre mobile Werbe-ID verwenden, um unsere Werbekampagnen zu bewerten und zu verbessern, wobei wir von Partnern unterstützt werden, die den Schutz der ausgetauschten Daten gewährleisten.

Bestellungen: Wir können Ihre über unsere Website gesammelten persönlichen Daten verwenden, um auf Bestellungen von Produkten zu reagieren, die Sie über die DOMOHEALTH-Dienste aufgeben können. Ungeachtet anderslautender Bestimmungen in diesem Dokument verwenden wir Ihre Kreditkarten- und sonstigen Finanzdaten ausschließlich zur Bearbeitung und Ausführung der Bestellung.

  1. Offenlegung Ihrer persönlichen Daten und anderer Informationen

Wir sind der Ansicht, dass die Achtung Ihrer persönlichen Daten und Ihrer Privatsphäre von zentraler Bedeutung für die Beziehung zwischen uns ist.

Ohne Ihre Rechte einzuschränken, informieren wir Sie darüber, dass bestimmte personenbezogene Daten und Maßnahmen unter bestimmten Umständen an Dritte weitergegeben und von diesen genutzt werden können, und zwar unter folgenden Umständen

Geschäftsübertragungen: Im Zuge der Entwicklung unseres Geschäfts können wir bestimmte Unternehmen oder Vermögenswerte kaufen oder verkaufen. Im Falle eines Verkaufs, einer Fusion, einer Umstrukturierung, einer Auflösung oder einer ähnlichen Vereinbarung können personenbezogene Daten Teil der übertragenen Vermögenswerte sein.

Interne betriebliche Funktionen von DOMOHEALTH: Wie viele andere Unternehmen bedient sich DOMOHEALTH manchmal anderer Unternehmen, um bestimmte interne betriebliche Funktionen auszuführen, wie z. B. Postversand, Pflege von Datenbanken, Prüfung der Dienste usw. Wenn wir ein anderes Unternehmen mit der Durchführung dieser Funktionen beauftragen, nehmen wir die Dienste einer dritten Partei in Anspruch. Wenn wir ein anderes Unternehmen mit der Ausführung einer solchen Funktion beauftragen, stellen wir diesem nur die Informationen zur Verfügung, die es speziell für seine Aufgaben benötigt, und verlangen von unseren Dienstleistern ähnliche Verpflichtungen wie die, die DOMOHEALTH Ihnen gegenüber eingegangen ist; diese Informationen werden nur für den internen Bedarf von DOMOHEALTH und unter der Kontrolle von DOMOHEALTH verwendet.

Gesetzliche Anforderungen: DOMOHEALTH kann personenbezogene Daten offenlegen, wenn dies gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist oder im guten Glauben, dass eine solche Offenlegung notwendig ist, um (i) einer gesetzlichen Verpflichtung nachzukommen, (ii) die Rechte oder das Eigentum von DOMOHEALTH zu schützen oder zu verteidigen, (iii) in dringenden Fällen zu handeln, um die persönliche Sicherheit der Nutzer der Website oder der Öffentlichkeit zu schützen, oder (iv) sich vor rechtlicher Haftung zu schützen.

Dritte auf Betreiben oder mit Genehmigung des Nutzers: Wenn Sie sich entscheiden, Ihre persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen auf anderen Plattformen als unserer Website zu teilen, wie z. B., aber nicht beschränkt auf soziale Netzwerke, oder Ihre persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen allen anderen Nutzern sowie Dritten zur Verfügung zu stellen, müssen Sie sich bewusst sein, dass diese persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen, die Sie beschlossen haben zu teilen, von jedem Dritten verwendet werden können.

Partner, Distributoren/Wiederverkäufer von Drittanbietern und damit verbundene Funktionen: Sie können ein DOMOHEALTH-Produkt über einen Partner, Distributor oder Wiederverkäufer von DOMOHEALTH-Produkten erwerben, der diese Produkte möglicherweise mit seinen eigenen Funktionen, wie etwa Anwendungen, gebündelt hat. Diese zugehörigen Funktionen können von Ihnen verlangen, dass Sie alle oder einen Teil Ihrer persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen zur Verfügung stellen, um Ihnen alle oder einen Teil der Funktionen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wenn Sie sich für DOMOHEALTH-Dienste für diese Produkte registrieren, erklären Sie sich automatisch damit einverstanden, dass wir Ihre persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen an diese Dritten weitergeben dürfen. DOMOHEALTH bittet Sie, sich bei Ihrem Anbieter über die von ihm praktizierten Nutzungsbedingungen und seine Datenschutzrichtlinie zu informieren. Diese Weitergabe von persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen wird von der Möglichkeit begleitet, sich jederzeit und auf Anfrage abzumelden. Im Falle einer Abmeldung erkennen Sie an und erklären sich damit einverstanden, auf jegliche Ansprüche gegenüber DOMOHEALTH zu verzichten, unabhängig davon, ob es sich um eine Fehlfunktion der mit den genannten Dritten verbundenen Funktionen oder des DOMOHEALTH-Produkts nach Ihrer Abmeldung handelt. Darüber hinaus sollten Sie sich bewusst sein, dass, sobald der Informationsaustausch stattgefunden hat, der Dritte allein für die Verwendung Ihrer persönlichen Daten oder Maßnahmen vor oder nach Ihrer Abbestellung verantwortlich ist.

Anonymisierte Persönliche Daten: Wie oben beschrieben, können wir Informationen über Ihre personenbezogenen Daten weitergeben, die nicht die Form von personenbezogenen Daten haben. Zum Beispiel können wir aggregierte, rohe oder anonymisierte Daten an Werbetreibende, Forscher, Geschäftspartner, Publikationen oder andere Dritte weitergeben.

  1. Dauer der Datenspeicherung

Die erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten werden für die folgenden Zeiträume aufbewahrt:

Daten, die für den Betrieb Ihres Produkts und der damit verbundenen Dienstleistungen erforderlich sind:

Nutzer- und Identifikationsdaten werden für die Dauer der Kundenbeziehung aufbewahrt.

Anonymisierte Daten, die sich auf verbundene Produkte beziehen, werden für 5 Jahre nach Beendigung der Kundenbeziehung aufbewahrt.

Die Verbindungsdaten werden 3 Monate lang gespeichert.

Kundensupportdaten werden für die Dauer der Kundenbeziehung gespeichert.

Die Daten des Online-Shops werden für die Dauer der Kundenbeziehung aufbewahrt, mit Ausnahme der Kaufdaten, die für die geltende gesetzliche Frist aufbewahrt werden.

E-Mail-Daten für Marketingzwecke werden so lange aufbewahrt, bis sich die Nutzer abmelden.

Die Umfragedaten werden anonymisiert.

Wettbewerbsdaten werden 2 Jahre lang aufbewahrt.

Hinweis: Die Beendigung der Kundenbeziehung wird durch eine ausdrückliche Aufforderung Ihrerseits an zur Löschung Ihres Benutzerkontos formalisiert.

  1. Recht auf Auskunft, Berichtigung und Widerspruch

Sie haben ein Recht auf Zugang, Berichtigung und Widerspruch zu den Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, indem Sie einen schriftlichen und unterzeichneten Antrag stellen, dem eine Kopie des Ausweises mit der Unterschrift des Inhabers des Ausweises beigefügt ist und in dem die Adresse angegeben ist, an die die Antwort geschickt werden soll, oder indem Sie eine E-Mail an senden, in der Sie aufgefordert werden können, Ihre Identität zu bestätigen.

  1. Deine Auswahlmöglichkeiten

Sie können die Website nutzen, ohne persönliche Daten anzugeben. Wenn Sie sich jedoch dafür entscheiden, keine personenbezogenen Daten anzugeben, haben Sie möglicherweise keinen Zugang zu bestimmten Bereichen der Website und/oder können bestimmte DOMOHEALTH-Dienste oder -Produkte nicht nutzen, die für ihren Betrieb die Übermittlung bestimmter Daten erfordern, wie z. B. geografische Position, Temperaturmessungen usw. Sie haben die Wahl, ob Sie uns und/oder Dritten gestatten, Sie mit ihren Produkten, Dienstleistungen und/oder Veranstaltungen, die für Sie von Interesse sein könnten, zu kontaktieren oder nicht. Sie können alle Ihre Entscheidungen über den Bereich "Mein Konto" auf der Website kontrollieren.

  1. Ausschlüsse

Diese Datenschutzrichtlinie gilt nicht für personenbezogene Daten, die von DOMOHEALTH erfasst werden, mit Ausnahme von personenbezogenen Daten und Maßnahmen, die über die Website, Dienstleistungen und Produkte erfasst werden.

  1. Links zu anderen Websites

Diese Datenschutzrichtlinie gilt nur für unsere Site. Unsere Site kann Links zu anderen Sites enthalten, die nicht von DOMOHEALTH unterhalten oder kontrolliert werden ("Sites Dritter"). Die hier beschriebenen Richtlinien und Verfahren gelten nicht für die Websites Dritter. Links von unserer Website bedeuten nicht, dass DOMOHEALTH diese Websites Dritter befürwortet oder überprüft hat. Wir schlagen vor, dass Sie sich direkt an diese Drittseiten wenden, um deren eigene Datenschutzrichtlinien zu erfahren.

  1. Sicherheit

DOMOHEALTH unternimmt angemessene Schritte, um Ihre persönlichen Daten, die Sie über die Website zur Verfügung stellen, vor Verlust, Missbrauch, unbefugtem Zugriff, Offenlegung, Änderung oder Zerstörung zu schützen. Allerdings ist keine Übertragung über das Internet oder per E-Mail jemals völlig sicher oder fehlerfrei. Insbesondere können wir nicht für die Sicherheit von E-Mails garantieren, die an oder von dieser Website gesendet werden. Wir bitten Sie daher dringend, äußerste Vorsicht walten zu lassen, wenn Sie Informationen per E-Mail oder über das Internet an uns übermitteln. Bitte berücksichtigen Sie dies, wenn Sie persönliche Daten auf der Website offenlegen.

  1. Andere Bedingungen und Konditionen

Ihr Zugang zu und Ihre Nutzung der DOMOHEALTH-Dienste über diese Website unterliegen den Nutzungsbedingungen, die unter abrufbar sind.

  1. Änderung der Datenschutzpolitik

Unsere Website und unser Geschäft können sich ändern. Infolgedessen kann es für DOMOHEALTH notwendig sein, Änderungen an seiner Datenschutzpolitik vorzunehmen. DOMOHEALTH behält sich das Recht vor, diese Datenschutzrichtlinie jederzeit zu aktualisieren oder zu ändern, wobei weiterhin sichergestellt wird, dass die persönlichen Daten der Nutzer respektiert werden.

Die Änderung dieser Datenschutzrichtlinie erfordert die Zustimmung jedes Nutzers, für den diese Änderungen gelten. Wenn DOMOHEALTH beschließt, solche Änderungen einzuführen, wird DOMOHEALTH jeden Nutzer benachrichtigen.

  1. Zugang zu Informationen; Kontakt

Indem Sie auf den Abschnitt "Profil" der Website zugreifen, können Sie Ihre persönlichen Daten korrekt, aktuell und vollständig halten. Sie können uns auch wie unten angegeben kontaktieren. Wir werden alle notwendigen Schritte unternehmen, um Ihre persönlichen Daten, die sich in unserem Besitz befinden und die Sie zuvor über unsere Website bereitgestellt haben, zu aktualisieren oder zu korrigieren. Wenn Sie Fragen zu den Datenschutzrichtlinien von DOMOHEALTH oder Anmerkungen zu dieser Website haben, können Sie uns gerne kontaktieren.

Sie können uns unter der folgenden Adresse erreichen:

  1. DomoHealth zertifizierter Partner

Als zertifizierter Partner von DomoHealth müssen Sie die Endnutzer direkt darüber informieren, dass sie die Nutzungsbedingungen und die Datenschutzrichtlinie lesen müssen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Erstellung des Kundenkontos auf der Website verfügbar sind. Als professioneller Installateur können Sie jederzeit auf den Abmeldelink in jeder von DomoHealth gesendeten E-Mail klicken, um keine weiteren Mitteilungen von uns zu erhalten, oder Sie können uns auch über kontaktieren und die Löschung Ihrer Daten beantragen.

  1. Definition

Lieferant: Ein Lieferant erbringt eine Dienstleistung für DOMOHEALTH mit besonderen Spezifikationen von DOMOHEALTH und ist ein Unterauftragnehmer im Sinne der Datenschutzgrundverordnung.

Partner: Ein Partner erbringt eine Dienstleistung für DOMOHEALTH und ist ebenfalls ein für die Datenverarbeitung Verantwortlicher im Sinne der Datenschutzgrundverordnung.

GDPR: Allgemeine Datenschutzverordnung

Der französische Text ist der authentische Text. Die englische Fassung ist eine Übersetzung


Diese Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) stellen in Verbindung mit den Bedingungen jeder Bestellung (Purchase Order), die auf die AGB verweist, und jedem Anhang zum Bestellformular (Schedule) eine rechtsgültige Vereinbarung (der Vertrag) zwischen DomoHealth SA (CHE-114.996.838), EPFL Innovation Park, Bâtiment D, CH-1015 Lausanne, Schweiz (DOMO) und dem im Bestellformular genannten Kunden (der Kunde und mit DOMO, die Parteien).


a. Scope
The T&Cs govern the Client's rights and obligations with respect to DOMO's provision and Customer's access to and use of the services specified in the Order Form  (the Services), including the provision of the " Pro Platform" (the Platform) as a SaaS offering (the SaaS Services), with the functionalities,  modules and limitations specified in the Order Form.

b. User Categories
The Platform may be used by the following categories of users: (i) the Customer; and (ii) the Customer's employees who have been authorized to use the Platform by the Customer (together, the Users). Unless otherwise specified, the provisions of the T&Cs apply to all Users.
c. No other obligations
DOMO has no obligation to provide any services, products, licenses or software that are not expressly specified in these T&Cs or in the Order Form.

d. Acceptance
By subscribing, creating an account or logging into the Platform and/or signing an Order Form, the Client expressly agrees to be bound by the terms of the T&Cs.
For the avoidance of doubt, if the Client is a legal entity, any subscription to the use of the Services by any of the Client's employees, agents or representatives, on behalf of the Client, shall be deemed to be acceptance of the terms of the T&Cs by the Client. Any person subscribing to the use of the Services or using them on behalf of a legal entity represents and warrants that they are duly authorized to do so.

a. General
Subject to the Client's compliance with all the terms and conditions of the T&Cs, and in particular the payment of the applicable Fees, DOMO undertakes to provide the Services. The Services may include, if and to the extent provided for in the Order Form: (i) the Integration Services in accordance with Art. 3(ii) Maintenance and Support Services pursuant to Art. 7and/or (iii) the Additional Services described in the Order Form.
b. Obligation of means
By default, DOMO is only bound by an obligation of means for the provision of the Services. DOMO will provide the Services in accordance with business usage, with the care and diligence required of a similar service provider.
c. Obligation of result
DOMO has an obligation of result only if such an obligation is expressly provided for in the Order Form for Deliverables and if their Specifications (as these terms are defined in art. 4.a) are described in the Order Form. In this case, the provisions of Art. 4 apply.
d. Time
DOMO will endeavor to provide the Services within the timeframes set forth in the Order Form. However, if the agreed deadlines are not expressly stipulated as binding in the Order Form, they are only indicative.

a. Description
The integration services provided by DOMO are detailed in the Order Form and may include, but are not limited to, the initial configuration of the Platform in the customer's environment, data migration, testing and training, and any Customer-specific development (the Integration Services).
b. Scope
DOMO will provide Integration Services if and to the extent provided for in the Order Form. DOMO may also agree to provide additional Integration Services that are not described in the Order Form on a time-sensitive basis, in which case DOMO will notify Customer prior to providing the applicable Integration Services.
c. Client's obligations
The Client has the following obligations (in addition to those specified in Art. 8) with respect to the provision of the Integration Services: (i) provision of the IT infrastructure and personnel necessary for the provision of the Integration Services; (ii) access to (test) data and provision of Customer data in the specified format for the implementation of the data migration; (iii) rapid implementation of interim tests and interim decisions in accordance with the project plan; and (iv) acceptances and partial acceptances of the Deliverables. Delays on the Client's side and additional work for DOMO caused by incorrect or late performance of the Client's obligations will be invoiced to the Client.
d. Commissioning
The Integration Services are deemed to have been completed and accepted at the latest at the beginning of their implementation within the Platform.

a. General
If the Purchase Order expressly identifies one or more specific items to be delivered by DOMO ( Available) and if the technical specifications of such Deliverables (Specifications) have been established by the Parties and approved by DOMO, these Deliverables constitute an obligation of result for DOMO. The provisions of this art. 4 apply only to Deliverables with an obligation of result.
b. Verification
Immediately following the delivery of any Deliverable, the Client shall verify whether such Deliverable contains any material non-conformities with respect to its Specifications which have an effective adverse impact on its use by the Client (Major Defects).
c. Notification
If any of the Deliverables contain Major Defects, the Client must notify DOMO in writing within a maximum period of 10 days from the date of delivery of the Deliverable, subject to a longer period expressly agreed in writing by the Parties. In its notification, the Client must provide a detailed description of the alleged Major Defects.
d. Correction
DOMO will correct Major Defects at no additional cost and within a reasonable period of time. Customer shall provide DOMO with such additional information and assistance as DOMO may reasonably require to correct the Major Defects, at no cost to DOMO. If, after two unsuccessful attempts, the third acceptance test fails again, Customer shall be entitled to continue to demand rectification of the Deliverable or to terminate the Agreement and claim reimbursement of any Fees paid to DOMO, to the exclusion of all other remedies.
e. Acceptance
If the Client has not notified DOMO of Major Defects within 10 days of the date of delivery of a Deliverable, or within a longer period expressly agreed in writing by the Parties, or if the Client begins to use a Deliverable, such Deliverable shall be deemed to have been accepted without reservation, and Art. 4.d no longer applies. If Customer requests changes to Deliverables that have already been accepted and DOMO agrees to provide such services, the additional services will be billed separately.
f. Minor defects
If the execution of an acceptance test reveals defects that are not considered Major Defects, the Client must accept the Deliverable. As a general rule, these defects will be corrected within the scope of the Maintenance Services (as defined in Art. 7.b), unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Parties.

g. Single Recourse
The right to claim correction of any Major Defect at no additional cost, pursuant to Art. 4.d, is Customer's sole and exclusive remedy and, to the extent permitted by applicable law, Customer expressly waives any other remedies it may have, including the right to claim a reduction in Fees and the right to have a third party correct any Major Defect or other non-compliance with DOMO's fees.

a. General
Subject to the Client's compliance with all the terms and conditions of the T&Cs, in particular the payment of the applicable Fees and compliance with the limitations specified in Art. 8.b, DOMO grants Customer, during the Total Period, a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the SaaS Services, including the Platform and the content displayed on or generated by the Platform (the Content), without having the right to grant sub-licenses and in strict accordance with the T&Cs and the documentation provided by DOMO, on its own behalf and for internal purposes only. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer shall not modify or prepare derivative works based on the SaaS Services, nor may it copy or reproduce the SaaS Services, except as expressly specified in the Order Form.
b. Authorized Users
Also subject to the limitations set forth in the Order Form, Customer will use the SaaS Services through its own employees, agents and/or representatives who need access to the SaaS Services only (  Authorized Users), and will take appropriate steps to ensure compliance with the Agreement by such Authorized Users. Customer is expressly prohibited from using the SaaS Services on behalf of or for the benefit of third parties, or from sublicensing the SaaS Services to third parties, without the express prior written consent of DOMO.
Customer shall use the SaaS Services for its own business purposes only through its Authorized Users, and will take appropriate steps to ensure compliance with the T&Cs by such Authorized Users.
c. Restrictions
If the use of the SaaS Services is subject to specific restrictions (e.g., limited number of concurrent users or devices, named users, or other limitations), as specified in the Order Form or in the documentation provided by DOMO, Customer shall use the SaaS Services in strict accordance with such restrictions.
d. Limited Licenses
If specified in the Order Form, and always subject to Customer's compliance with all other terms of the T&Cs, DOMO may make the SaaS Services available under limited licenses, subject to the following additional conditions and limitations:
Trial Period: If specified in the Order Form, the SaaS Services may be made available [free of charge/at a discounted rate] for a limited period of time - at which time the license will automatically be converted to a full license - exclusively for the purpose of evaluating the Platform for the acquisition of a full license, excluding any commercial use.
Beta Services: DOMO may make Beta Services available to Customer at no additional charge. Beta Services are  new or different services, or features thereof, made available to customers for testing and evaluation purposes, such as pilot releases, limited releases, early access, etc. and are clearly designated as a beta version or by a similar description. Customer may choose to use these beta services at its sole discretion. Beta Services  are for evaluation purposes and not for production use, are not fully supported, and may be subject to additional terms and charges that may be presented to Customer. The Beta Services are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranties, support, maintenance, storage, service level agreements, or indemnification obligations of any kind. For the avoidance of doubt, all of Customer's restrictions and obligations under the Agreement also apply to the Beta Services. DOMO may discontinue the Beta Services at any time, in its sole discretion, and may never make them available to the public.
e. SaaS offer
The Platform is provided as a SaaS (Software as a Service) offering. Consequently, DOMO only grants the Client a right to access and use the Platform and does not provide the Client with any copy of the Platform.
f. Developments
If, as part of the Services, DOMO customizes, develops, or makes available additional features for the Platform and/or Content, or provides patches, bug fixes, updates, or upgrades to the Platform and/or Content (Developments), such Developments will automatically become part of the SaaS Services,  unless DOMO provides otherwise.
g. Modifications
Customer acknowledges that DOMO may make changes to the Platform or Content, including changes to the look or functionality of the Platform, and that DOMO shall have the absolute right to remove any Content from the Platform or modify the functionality thereof in its sole discretion.

a. Account
In order to access the Platform, each Authorized User must have created a personal account (the  Account) and be logged in to that Account.
Customer warrants that all information provided by Authorized Users as part of the registration process or otherwise is true and accurate. Customer shall ensure that Authorized Users keep such information up to date at all times.
b. Identifiers
If DOMO issues credentials to Users, such credentials shall be used exclusively by the Authorized Users for whom such credentials were issued, on behalf of and for the benefit of Customer. If the Credentials are issued to the Customer without specifying the relevant Users, such credentials may be used by any Authorized User, strictly on behalf of and for the benefit of the Customer.
c. Confidentiality
Customer is responsible for the confidentiality of the identifiers issued by DOMO and shall immediately notify DOMO of any loss or unauthorized disclosure of such identifiers, which shall then be deactivated and replaced by DOMO. DOMO may charge a fee for the replacement of any identifier.
d. List
Customer shall maintain an up-to-date list of Authorized Users, which Customer shall make available to DOMO upon request without delay.

a. Availability of SaaS Services
DOMO will endeavor to maintain the availability of the SaaS Services, but does not guarantee their full availability.
Service levels and any service credits in connection with the SaaS Services are only agreed to by DOMO if expressly provided in the Order Form, in which case it must contain a Service Level Agreement (SLA).
b. Services de Maintenance
In providing the SaaS Services, DOMO will continuously seek to identify and resolve issues that may adversely affect the proper functioning and availability of the SaaS Services (the Maintenance Services). These Maintenance Services include repairs (rectification of defects and errors to restore functionality) and maintenance (to maintain the functionality of the SaaS Services).
The Customer is not entitled to claim a specific development, adaptation or improvement of the SaaS Services as well as additional services (which may, however, be provided pursuant to Art. 7.c). DOMO welcomes feedback and undertakes to take into consideration the requests for development made by the Client, but does not commit to the fulfilment of these requests.
As a general rule, the Maintenance Services are deployed on a "Zero Downtime Deployment" basis. However, DOMO does not exclude that the deployment of the Maintenance Services may result in a total or partial unavailability of the SaaS Services and DOMO does not give any guarantee to the Customer with regard to the availability of the SaaS Services during the deployment of the Maintenance Services.
c. Support
As part of the Maintenance Service, DOMO will provide technical assistance services for the notification and correction of defects or errors affecting the SaaS Services (Support) only to the extent such Support is provided in the Order Form. Support is available between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. CET on business days (at DOMO's headquarters) via email and/or phone.

a. Payment of Royalties
Customer shall pay the fees set forth in the Order Form or by any other appropriate means (e.g., the fee schedules provided to Customer by DOMO) (the Royalties), in accordance with the conditions set out in Art. 12.
b. Correct use
Customer shall comply with, and shall cause its Authorized Users to comply with, at all times all laws and regulations applicable to the use of the Services, as well as the terms and limitations of any license or other right granted, as set forth in the Agreement or in writing by DOMO. In particular, Customer and Authorized Users shall not, without the prior consent of DOMO, and whether during or after the Total Period: (i) use the Services for any unlawful purpose (ii) use the Services on behalf of or for the benefit of third parties; (iii) attempt to copy, modify, create derivative works from, republish, transmit, distribute or make available or disclose to third parties (other than authorized users) all or any part of the Services, Content, Platform or their infrastructure; (v) access the source code of the Platform, attempt to reverse compile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or reduce to a human-perceivable form all or any part of the Platform or its infrastructure; and (vi) access or use any portion of the Services for the purpose of building a competing product or service or copying their features or user interface.
c. Client's Infrastructure
Customer shall procure and maintain at its own expense an infrastructure that complies with the minimum requirements for the use of the Platform, as specified from time to time by DOMO in the Platform documentation.
d. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Access to and use of the Platform requires prior acceptance of the Platform's terms and conditions of use and the privacy policy, in the form available on the Platform. Customer will comply with – and cause its Authorized Users to comply with – this documentation. Customer will further comply with any additional guidelines that may be issued by DOMO in connection with the use of the SaaS Services.
e. Licenses & Permissions
Customer must retain all necessary permits and licenses to use the Services.
f. Single point of contact(s)
If specified in the Order Form, Customer will make available to DOMO a person(s) as a single and trusted point of contact to (i) provide information about Customer's activity, as may be required by DOMO for the provision of the Services and to ensure effective communication (including in connection with technical support or user manual questions),  and (ii) billing-related questions and communications.
g. Assistance
Customer shall provide DOMO with all assistance and information reasonably required by DOMO for the proper performance of the Services. In particular, the Client shall:
i) spontaneously provide any information necessary or useful for the proper performance of the Agreement of which it is aware;
ii) provide DOMO with access to its premises and infrastructure, if such access is necessary or useful for the proper implementation of the Agreement, or for the verification of such implementation, and provide it with adequate means and resources (e.g. serviced offices, network, access, etc.); and
iii) comply with all instructions and/or guidelines from DOMO in connection with the Services.
h. Checks
The SaaS Services may contain tools that allow DOMO to verify the Client's compliance with the T&Cs and DOMO has the right to temporarily or permanently suspend access to the Services and the Platform and/or to deactivate any identifier issued for the use thereof in the event of non-compliance with the T&Cs.
i. Audits
In addition, DOMO has the right to verify the Client's compliance with the Agreement once a year during normal business hours. The Client undertakes to provide free of charge all assistance and information necessary for the purposes of this audit. If an audit shows that Customer has exceeded the metrics or other limitations specified in the Order Form, Customer shall pay the difference between the Fees actually paid (if any) and the Fees that should have been paid, plus 5% interest, from the first fee exceeded. In this case, the Client will also have to pay the costs incurred for the audit. The right of termination provided for in Art. 19.d is also applicable.
j. Customer Default
In the event that Customer fails to comply with its obligations set out in the T&Cs or in the Order Form, DOMO shall be relieved of its obligations under the Agreement and shall not assume any liability in this regard (without prejudice to DOMO's other rights under the Agreement).

a. Definition
Customer and its Authorized Users may provide documents, information, and other data through the use of the Services and the Platform ( Customer Data).
b. Property
Subject to Art. 10.b and 13.c, between the Parties, the Customer Data is and remains the sole and exclusive property of the Customer and nothing in the T&Cs shall be construed as a transfer of ownership of the Customer Data to DOMO.
c. Use of Customer Data
Customer grants DOMO a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable license to use Customer Data for the sole and exclusive purpose of providing the Services or improving the Platform, including for collecting, processing, storing, using, generating, anonymizing, modifying, creating derivative works from, displaying, translating, sublicensing, and transferring Customer Data to third parties,  as well as the training of algorithms using Customer Data, only to the extent necessary for the aforementioned purposes. For the avoidance of doubt, DOMO will not sell or otherwise trade Customer Data.
d. Guarantee
The Client warrants (i) that it has valid grounds and, where applicable, that it has obtained all required authorizations and consents for the processing of Customer Data under the T&Cs, and (ii) that the Customer Data does not infringe any law or regulation, the T&Cs or the rights of a third party. DOMO may remove any Customer Data that DOMO believes violates this warranty.
e. Deletion and Return of Customer Data
Upon termination of the Agreement, DOMO shall, within a reasonable period of time following a written request from Customer, provide Customer with a final extract of the Customer Data and permanently delete or anonymize any copies of Customer Data still under its control. In any event, DOMO is entitled to permanently delete or anonymize Customer Data (i) 60 days after termination or non-renewal of the Agreement or (ii) if an Account has been inactive for 12 months or more.

a. General
In the relationship between DOMO and the Client, DOMO is and remains the sole owner of all rights, titles and interests, registered or unregistered, arising from any national or international legislation, on copyright, databases, trademarks, domain names, designs and patents, know-how, confidentiality and/or trade secrets,  and all other intellectual property rights or similar proprietary rights of any kind (Intellectual Property Rights) in the Services (including, for the avoidance of doubt, any Deliverables, Developments, the Platform and Content), except only for Customer Data. Nothing in the T&Cs shall entail an assignment or transfer of the Intellectual Property Rights to the Client.
b. Usage data
Domo owns all rights and title to, and may freely use for any purpose (including, without limitation, data mining, benchmarking and analysis, or to develop and market new services), any data or information (i) collected, processed, developed, produced or obtained from cookies or other tracking and analytics technologies present on the Platform (including all tracking data related to users), (ii) relating to Customer's access to and use of the Platform by Customer and Authorized Users or other Users, including, among other things, the number and duration of visits and, (iii) provided that reasonable efforts are made to remove any reference to Customer and any identifiable person, all data entered by Authorized Users (Usage Data).
c. Notice of Violation
If Customer becomes aware of a breach or imminent risk of infringement of any Intellectual Property Right relating to the Services, Customer shall immediately notify DOMO and provide DOMO with all relevant information about such infringement or risk of infringement. DOMO has the sole authority to decide on the action to be taken in response to such breach or risk of breach. Customer shall provide DOMO, at its own expense, with all reasonable assistance required by DOMO to protect its Intellectual Property Rights, in accordance with Customer's instructions.
d. Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights
If DOMO is prevented from providing the Services due to claims of Intellectual Property Rights of third parties and such impediment is not removed within 30 days, or if the Client is found, in a final decision of a court of competent jurisdiction not subject to appeal, to have infringed or misappropriated Intellectual Property Rights of third parties due to the use of the Services,  DOMO undertakes, at its own expense, to (a) obtain for Customer the right to continue to use these Services; (b) replace or modify such Services in such a way that they do not infringe or misappropriate the Intellectual Property Rights of third parties and that the Customer may use them freely; or (c) if DOMO is unable to make any of the foregoing approaches or determines, in its reasonable judgment, that it is commercially unreasonable to do so, DOMO may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect, by refunding to Customer all Prepaid Fees for the period during which Customer is unable to use the Services,  which is the Client's sole and exclusive remedy.
e. Repair
Customer expressly acknowledges that any infringement of DOMO's Intellectual Property Rights will cause irreparable harm to DOMO, for which monetary damages may be inadequate, and that DOMO may therefore seek injunctive or other relief provided by law in any jurisdiction, in the event of a breach.

a. General
The Services may contain content and/or software components embedded in or provided with the Services, developed, distributed, and/or licensed by third parties (Third Party Content). Such Third Party Content is licensed, and Customer must use it in strict compliance with the applicable terms and conditions with the relevant third party. DOMO will endeavor to identify any Third Party Content in the documentation of the Services.
b. Open source software
Nothing in the T&Cs shall restrict, limit or affect in any way the rights or obligations that the Customer may have, or the conditions to which it may be subject, under any open source software license applicable to any free software that may be incorporated into and/or provided in conjunction with the Services.

a. Royalties
Fees are due and payable in advance, on a monthly basis (unless otherwise specified in the Order Form), and non-refundable upon termination. Additional charges incurred in connection with DOMO's provision of the Services, or Customer's use of the Services, are billed on a monthly basis, and must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date.
b. Taxes
DOMO's Fees and Rates are exclusive of taxes (including VAT).
c. Payments
Payments are made by bank transfer to DOMO's bank account, as indicated to the Client.
d. Suspension of Services
Customer's continued use of the Services is subject to timely payment of all Fees. DOMO may temporarily cease providing the Services if Customer defaults on payment of the Fees due.
e. No compensation
Customer is not entitled to set off any amounts owed by DOMO to Customer against any Royalties due to DOMO, subject to the prior express written consent of DOMO.
f. Modifications.
Changes to the Fees, if any, will be effective from the next Renewed Term, subject to 4 months' written notice from DOMO. If Customer's Fee template is no longer available, the Fee template will automatically be transformed into the closest existing Fee template as of the Renewed Term, as indicated by DOMO in its notice to Customer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, DOMO reserves the right to discontinue support for an existing Royalty model at any time without notice.
a. General
If the provision of the Services involves the processing by DOMO of (i) personal data transmitted by the Customer or Authorized Users (Customer Personal Data), in particular in connection with Customer Data, or (ii) personal data relating to Usage Data (Personal Usage Data)), DOMO and Customer will fully comply with their respective obligations under applicable data protection laws and regulations.
b. Roles of the Parties.
In such cases, DOMO will process the Customer's Personal Data (i) as a processor, exclusively for the purposes agreed in the T&Cs and only to the extent necessary to fulfil the obligations set out in the T&Cs, in accordance with the instructions of the Customer, who will act as the data controller; and (ii) for DOMO's legitimate business operations related to the provision of the Services. DOMO will process Personal Usage Data as the sole controller of such data.
c. Obligations de DOMO
DOMO undertakes to comply with Swiss data protection legislation and to obtain the Client's prior consent in the event of subcontracting the processing of the Client's Personal Data. DOMO only undertakes to comply with the obligations relating to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) if expressly stated in the relevant Order Form.
DOMO will not process Customer Personal Data for its own purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Customer acknowledges and agrees that DOMO may use Customer Personal Data received in connection with the performance of the Agreement for its own purposes to the extent that cumulatively (a) DOMO fully complies with applicable laws and regulations in this regard, (b) Customer Personal Data is fully anonymized by DOMO or is aggregated in such a way that a re-identification of the individuals affected by the personal data in question does not (c) its use is made for statistical, research or development, benchmarking, archiving or other purposes not related to particular individuals, (d) DOMO agrees and acknowledges that it processes such data as the sole controller with respect to all processing of personal data for such purposes and (e) any results will be published in a form that does not identify the subject of the personal data in question.
d. Obligations of the Client
Customer shall ensure, with respect to all Customer Personal Data processed by DOMO in connection with the Services, that such data has been collected and transferred to DOMO in strict compliance with applicable data protection or data privacy laws and regulations. In particular, the Client must:
i) have and maintain at all times valid grounds for the processing of such personal data, including obtaining valid consent from data subjects for the processing of their personal data, if such consent is required under applicable data protection legislation; and
ii) provide data subjects with adequate information on the collection and processing of their personal data.
e. Responsibility
The Client is solely responsible for the processing of its personal data, if any, in connection with the Services. Customer acknowledges and agrees that DOMO considers any processing of Customer Personal Data in connection with the Services, as permitted under the Agreement, as well as any instructions from Customer relating to such processing activities to be in compliance with applicable data protection or data privacy laws and regulations.
f. Transfer
By accepting the T&Cs, Customer expressly acknowledges and agrees that Customer Personal Data or Personal Usage Data may be transferred to and processed on servers located outside of its jurisdiction, including in jurisdictions that may not have data protection and privacy laws and regulations equivalent to those in Customer's jurisdiction.
g. Requests
DOMO may forward to Customer any request, request, inquiry, or other action from a supervisory authority and/or third parties (including data subjects) directed against DOMO with respect to the processing of Customer Personal Data, and it is Customer's responsibility to respond to such requests in accordance with the law. If DOMO is required to take compliance action itself, for example by responding to a request from a supervisory authority or third party and/or by cooperating with investigations, and/or providing assistance to the Customer, the Customer shall fully indemnify DOMO for its efforts and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees,  incurred in this context. Queries, requests, inquiries or actions relating to Personal Usage Data will only be processed by DOMO.
h. DPA
The Parties may agree, in a separate agreement or contract or in any other document, specific provisions regarding the processing of the Customer's Personal Data in connection with the Services, in which case such provisions shall take precedence and replace this art. 13.

a. Definition
Confidential Information means any information disclosed by either  Party (as the context the Disclosing Party) to  the other Party (as the context may be, the Recipient Party), directly or indirectly, in writing, orally or through inspection of tangible objects, which is designated as "confidential", or any other similar designation, or which may reasonably be considered to be of Confidential. Confidential Information includes the content of the Agreement (but not the fact that the Parties are cooperating together), all information about the Disclosing Party's activities and operations, and, more generally, all information relating to or held or controlled by the Disclosing Party that the Recipient Party will become aware of in connection with the performance of the Agreement. The Platform, Content, Services, Deliverables, and all Usage Data are considered Confidential Information and the property of DOMO only, with DOMO acting as the Disclosing Party with respect to such data. Confidential Information does not, however, include information that: (i) has been made public without restriction prior to the time of disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (ii) become publicly known without restriction upon disclosure by the Disclosing Party without action or inaction by the Recipient Party; (iii) is already in the possession of the Recipient Party at the time of disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (iv) is obtained by the Recipient Party from a third party without breach of that third party's confidentiality obligations; or (v) is independently developed by the Recipient Party without use of or reference to the Disclosing Party's confidential information.
b. Obligation of confidentiality
The Recipient Party shall not, and shall instruct its employees, agents, contractors or representatives not to (a) disclose, sell, license, transfer or make available to any person or entity any Disclosing Party Confidential Information, except to its employees, agents, contractors or representatives who have a legitimate need to know such Confidential Information for the performance of the Recipient Party's obligations under under the Agreement (and only to that extent), and/or (b) use, reproduce or copy any Disclosing Party's Confidential Information, except to the extent necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement.
c. Ownership and restitution
All Confidential Information shall remain the property of the Disclosing Party and all documents, electronic media and other tangible materials or portions thereof, which contain Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party, shall be delivered to the Disclosing Party promptly upon its written request.
d. Compliance
Nothing in the Agreement prevents DOMO or Customer from complying with applicable laws. The Recipient Party may therefore disclose the Disclosing Party's Confidential Information in connection with subpoenas, court orders, other legal process, or any other legal requirement, provided that the Receiving Party gives the Disclosing Party written notice of such requirement (except as expressly prohibited in such subpoena,  court order or other legal process) prior to such disclosure and take reasonable steps to protect the Confidential Information from public disclosure, and provided further that any disclosure is limited to the minimum necessary to comply with legal requirements.
e. Repair
Customer acknowledges that a breach of its duty of confidentiality may result in irreparable harm to DOMO, which may not be adequately compensated in the form of damages. Accordingly, DOMO may seek and obtain injunctive relief against breach or threatened breach of the foregoing covenants, in addition to any other legal remedies that may be available, under contract or at law.

DOMO may refer to Customer as a customer of the Services, and Customer grants DOMO a limited license to use Customer's name, logos, and trademarks for the sole purpose of referring to them in connection with DOMO's marketing activities.

The Services (including, for the avoidance of doubt, the Platform, any Developments and the Content) are provided AS IS and AS AVAILABLE. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, DOMO disclaims all warranties with respect to the Services, whether express, implied, or statutory, including any warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, quiet enjoyment, and non-infringement of third party rights. In particular, DOMO does not represent or warrant that the Services will meet Customer's requirements, that the operation of the Services will be uninterrupted or error-free, that any errors will be corrected, that it will ensure the continued compatibility of the Services with any third-party products, even if they were compatible at any given time, that the Services will always be available and will remain available without change or that certain Royalty models available at any given time will remain Available.

a. General
DOMO's liability under the Agreement, whether in contract, tort or any other form of liability, is excluded to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. In particular, without prejudice to the foregoing, to the extent permitted by applicable law, DOMO shall not be liable for mere negligence or for any damage or loss, whether foreseen or foreseeable, or whether advised by DOMO or the Customer of the risk thereof, related to loss of use, business interruption,  loss of actual or anticipated profits, loss of revenue or loss of benefits, loss of actual or anticipated profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of opportunities, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation, data damage or corruption, or any other indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages or losses of any kind,  regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise.
b. Use of the Internet
There are risks associated with using the Internet, including the risk that the data transmitted may be intercepted, altered or deleted. By using the Platform, the Client accepts these risks. DOMO accepts no liability in this regard.
c. Use of the Services
Use of the Services (including the Platform) is entirely at Customer's own risk, and DOMO expressly disclaims any and all liability for Customer's use of the Services and/or for decisions made by Customer based on knowledge gained from using the Services.
d. Limited amount
In no event shall DOMO's total liability in any 12-month period exceed the amount of Royalties actually paid by Customer during the 12 months preceding the events giving rise to Customer's claims.
e. Auxiliary
The exclusions and limitations set forth in this art. 17 extend to directors, employees, agents, representatives and auxiliaries of DOMO.

a. Principle
The Client agrees to defend and indemnify DOMO, its directors, employees and auxiliaries, from and against any liability, loss, cost, damage or expense, including attorneys' fees, resulting from (i) the Client's use of the Services other than as permitted by the T&Cs and in strict compliance with the documentation provided by DOMO for the Services; or (ii) DOMO's use of any Customer Data as permitted by the T&Cs.
b. Procedure
In the event of any claim or proceeding against DOMO, its directors, employees or assigns in connection with Customer's use of the Services or DOMO's use of Customer Data, DOMO shall (i) promptly notify Customer; and (ii) allow Customer to assist DOMO in defending and settling such claims or proceedings with counsel of Customer's choice and at Customer's own expense, if and to the extent permitted by applicable procedural rules.

a. Coming into force
The Agreement shall enter into force upon the Client's acceptance of the T&Cs in accordance with Art. 1.d.
b. Duration
The Agreement shall remain in effect for the initial term set forth in the Order Form or, in the absence of a specified term, for an initial term of 2 years, subject to non-renewal or termination in accordance with this Art. 19 (the Initial Period).
c. Renewal
The Agreement will automatically renew upon the expiration of the Initial Term or the current Renewed Term (each a Renewed Period and, with the Initial Period, the Total Period), for a new consecutive Renewed Term for a period of 1 year, subject to prior written notice of non-renewal by either Party with 3 months' notice or termination in accordance with this art. 19.
d. Termination for Cause
DOMO may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect in the event of Customer's material breach of its obligations under the Agreement, provided that, if Customer's breach can be remedied, in DOMO's sole discretion, DOMO shall first give Customer 20 days' written notice to remedy such breach to DOMO's complete satisfaction. DOMO may also terminate the Agreement in the event of a violation of the rights of a third party or a risk of violation of such rights, as a result of Customer's use of the Services.
e. Effects of Termination
In the event of non-renewal or termination of the Agreement, and in addition to the consequences described elsewhere in the T&Cs:
i) DOMO will cease providing, and Customer will cease using, the Services;
ii) all rights of use and access granted to the Customer under the GTC (in particular pursuant to Art. 5.a) will cease and all access to the Platform and credentials will be disabled and deleted;
iii) the Client will permanently delete any part of the Platform and/or the Content stored or installed on its computer systems, if any;
iv) all Fees already paid by the Client remain the property of DOMO and are non-refundable to the Client; and
v) Customer agrees to pay all Fees due to DOMO immediately.
All terms that are expressed or intended to survive, and all provisions of the Agreement necessary for its interpretation or performance shall continue to apply regardless of the reason for the termination or expiration of the Agreement.

a. Principle
During the Total Period and for a period of 2 years after the expiration or termination of the Agreement, Customer shall refrain, directly or indirectly, or through any other party, from encouraging, inducing or otherwise soliciting (or attempting to encourage, induce or otherwise solicit) any DOMO personnel to terminate their employment contract with DOMO,  or to hire such a person.
b. Sanctions
In the event of a violation of Art. 20.has, the Client shall immediately pay DOMO a penalty corresponding to 12 months' gross salary for the personnel concerned. The payment of the penalty does not release the Client from its obligations under Art. 20.has and does not affect DOMO's right to claim damages.

a. Independent Contractors
The Parties acknowledge and agree that they are independent contractors with no authority to contract for the other or to bind or bind the other in any way to any agreement of any kind or to assume any liabilities of any kind in the name or on behalf of the other. Under no circumstances shall either Party, or any of its employees, as the case may be, hold itself out as an agent, employee, joint venture, or partner of the other Party, or be considered as such. Neither Party shall pay any social security contributions, unemployment insurance, federal or cantonal withholding taxes, any other applicable taxes, whether federal, cantonal or local, or provide any other contributions or benefits that might be expected under an employer-employee relationship.
b. Subcontractors
Subject to Art. 13.c, DOMO may use subcontractors for the provision of the Services. DOMO's use of subcontractors does not relieve it of the duties or obligations incumbent on it under the T&Cs and which must be imposed on subcontractors.
c. Force majeure
Neither Party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the T&Cs for reasons beyond its reasonable control, such as natural disasters, wars, strikes, power outages, internet outages, epidemics, pandemics or other similar events. Such an excuse for delay lasts only as long as the event remains beyond the control of the Party concerned. However, the Party concerned shall endeavour to minimize delays caused by an event beyond its control. The Party concerned must inform the other Party without delay of the occurrence of such an event, failing which the performance by the Party concerned shall not be considered excused under this Art.

d. Modifications
The Order Form may only be modified by a written document signed by both Parties. DOMO reserves the right to modify the T&Cs by written notice to the Customer at least 4 months prior to the end of the Initial Term or any Renewed Term, in which case Customer's sole remedy shall be to terminate the Agreement in accordance with Art. 19.c. In the absence of termination, such changes will take effect at the beginning of the new Renewed Term.
e. Entirety
The Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior representations, understandings or understandings between them, with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.
f. Hierarchy
In the event of any conflict or contradiction between the provisions of the T&Cs and those of any other contractual document (such as the Order Form or any Schedule), the T&Cs shall prevail, subject to express and specific derogations, deletions or additions contained in the Order Form.
g. Divisibility
If any provision of the Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the Parties agree to replace it with a valid and fully enforceable provision reflecting the original intent of the Parties to the greatest extent possible. In any case, all other provisions of the Agreement will remain valid and enforceable to the fullest extent possible.
h. Electronic form
The terms "performance", "signature" and other similar terms in the Agreement shall be deemed to include non-qualified electronic signatures (e.g. Docusign or any other equivalent electronic signature provider) that have the same legal effect, validity or enforceability as a manually signed signature; while the term "in writing" includes communications by e-mail or other electronic form.
i. No Waiver
The fact that one Party does not at all times require the other Party to comply with some of its obligations under the GC does not affect that Party's right to continue to require the other Party to fully implement its obligations thereafter.
j. Cession
Neither Party may assign and transfer any or all of its rights and obligations under the Agreement, in whole or in part, to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party; however, it is specified that DOMO is authorized to assign and transfer all or part of its rights and obligations under the Agreement to a third party that acquires all or almost all of its activities related to the Services and/or the Platform, without the Client's consent.
k. No Third-Party Beneficiaries
The Agreement is binding and inure solely to the benefit of the Parties (and their respective successors and assigns). Nothing in the Agreement is intended to confer on any third party any rights, benefits or remedies of any kind under or as a result of the T&Cs or the Order Form.

a. Governing Law.
The Agreement and/or any use of the Services shall be governed by Swiss substantive law, to the exclusion of its provisions of private international law.
b. Jurisdiction
Any dispute or controversy arising out of or in connection with the Agreement and/or Customer's use of the Services shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent ordinary courts at the place of DOMO's registered office. Notwithstanding the foregoing, nothing in the T&Cs shall prevent DOMO from seeking injunctive or other remedies available at law in any jurisdiction for infringement of its Intellectual Property Rights. Pro Platform | Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, Version [August 2023]